Care Concerns
Optimal Health is committed to providing high quality service to our patients. We treat a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with our service, which calls for a response.
We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service.
Formal complaints procedure:
Complete Complaint Report and submit.
Our Executive Director will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a reasonable time frame (approximately one week).
Our Executive Director will then meet with the management team to investigate the complaint.
In order to address concerns, the team may review the complaint with the appropriate healthcare team member and ask him/her to provide input to a written response.
The team may also arrange to meet with a complainant regarding the concern.
Findings will be communicated back to you within four weeks, unless otherwise notified, i.e. timelines may be impacted by staff vacations, statutory holidays, etc.